Super-charge your close rangeĀ boxingĀ skills for next-level fighting capability

Close Range Fight Control is the advanced skills package to enable you to develop power-based training with deadly up-close fighting skills
But, before we go any further, there are a few things you need to consider.
If you don't yet have a good basic boxing stance, with reasonable balance, then you are not ready for this.
If you are not yet able to move about with a basic level of control and composure, then you are not ready for this.
If you are not yet able to execute straight punches, the jab and straight back hand, then you are not ready for this.
To get the most from this training system, you need to have a grasp of these basic skills.
Attempting these more advanced level skills without having the fundamentals may lead to bad habits and faults.
Let's not try to run before we can walk.
Exactly what you get in this package
- 67 individual coaching lessons that bring crisp clarity to the toughest part of boxing - fighting at close range.
- 5 hours of precise video coaching broken down into 10 learning modules:
- Module 1 - About Close Range Fighting
- Module 2 - Getting to Close Range
- Module 3 - Hooks and Uppercuts
- Module 4 - Defence and Attack
- Module 5 - Boxing Footwork at Close Range
- Module 6 - Creating Openings
- Module 7 - Exiting Close Range
- Module 8 - Tactics at Close Range
- Module 9 - 12 Killer Combinations
- Module 10 - Training Sessions
- 5 audio training companion sessions (15 x 3 minute rounds)
- Detailed written explanations to accompany each video.
- Instant access via a secure membership site, with every video downloadable to watch off-line
- Priority access for support questions and advice.
- Accessible on all devices.

What's in the modules?
Module 1 – About Close Range Fighting
This module is really about setting the scene.
We establish what close range fighting/infighting actually is. We define close range fighting. We use my '5 ranges of boxing' to give you structure and understanding of your position in relation to the target.
We describe the objectives of close range fighting, the characteristics of great close range fighting and the all-important ‘risk vs reward’ concept.

Module 2 – Getting to Close Range
In this module you get 5 methods of getting the fight to close range. This is about giving you options to be dynamic in the ways you launch your attacks.
The 5 methods of getting the fight to close range are:
- Frontal Assault
- Fix and Close
- Low Range/Undercover
- The Battering Ram
- Draw Them In.
No more walking around, this is about empowering you to build a platform for power.

Module 3 – Hooks and Uppercuts
When punching at close range we use hooks and uppercuts. In Module 3 we go through all of the hooks and uppercuts at close and mid-range, ensuring the technical precision of each shot.
You also learn the principle of the target, flanks and centreline. This is an absolutely critical concept for successful close range fighting, defining super-precise zones of attack against the target.
We examine the use of single hooks, double hooks, single uppercuts and double uppercuts and we build some starter combinations to give you context and understanding of how these shots work together.
Module 3 is the ‘armoury’ section of the Close Range Fight Control training system.

Module 4 – Defence and Attack
When you know how to throw the shots you need to know how to defend those shots.
In this module you get the different methods of defending yourself against incoming hooks and uppercuts and importantly how to turn that defence into attack.
We study blocks, wedge blocks, roll and fire and duck and fire. I also describe for you a really smart technique that I call the Venus Fly Trap – super-effective at close range.

Module 5 – Boxing Footwork at Close Range
As with all boxing techniques, excellence is based upon solid footwork. This is about core capabilities; dynamic boxing, power maximisation and a base for defence.
In this module and after an in-depth introduction, we cover 4 key footwork techniques:
- The Stance Width
- The Pivot
- The Stance Switch
- The Angled Side Step.
Module 5 is packed full of amazing drills and insights, we really start to unpick excellence in close range fighting.

Module 6 – Creating Openings
A key element of my boxing philosophy is that you don’t wait to see what an opponent does. You dominate. You make things happen. You initiate and control the exchanges.
Module 6 covers the concept of dynamic punching, prising open your opponent’s defence, the art of deception and feints, the attack switch and the range switch.
This module has a rich set of tactics and techniques to take your infighting to the next level.

Module 7 – Exiting Close Range
There is no point doing fantastic work at close range, dominating the exchange and potentially landing damaging shots on your opponent, only to be smashed because you ‘disengage’ without the required consideration.
Boxers getting caught with unnecessary shots ‘on the way out’ is a source of immense frustration to coaches like me. It is essential to exit as safely as possible - the job is only half done when you have landed your shots.
In this module you learn simple techniques for getting out of range after you’ve done your great work – the icing on the cake if you will.

Module 8 – Tactics at Close Range
Having gone through a whole range of techniques up until this point in Close Range Fight Control, it makes sense know to venture into the arena of tactics.
You get 7 killer tactics, from the just plain clever to the outright dirty - by popular demand I have included some ‘rough house’ tactics.
So in Module 8 we cover the following:
- The rules relating to close range fighting
- Preventing The Set
- Strength Deflection
- Staying Off The Ropes
- Use of the Lay Back
- Rough House Tactics
- Taking a Rest.

Module 9 – 12 Killer Combinations
In Module 9 I have included 12 combinations that I consider to be a starting point. The 12 combinations are separated into 3 groups:
- Combinations 1 to 4 – Getting to close range
- Combinations 5 to 8 – Working at close range
- Combinations 9 to 12 – Exiting close range
These combinations give an excellent starting point to start bringing the techniques together.
You get the blueprint to build your own machine-gun combinations that push your capabilities into that of the elite operator.

Module 10 - The Training Sessions
In this final session there are 5 audio guided sessions that you can use to guide your heavy bag bag or shadow boxing work. Each session consists of 3 x 3 minute rounds and is themed to reinforce the learning through modules 1 to 9. The session themes are:
- Session #1 - Get to the fight
- Session #2 - Close range intensity
- Session #3 - Defence into attack
- Session #4 - Dynamic footwork and punching
- Session #5 - In and out
The real benefit to you here is that you get real time guidance and motivation to ensure that you can drive technical excellence and get the most out of your training session.

What's in this for You?
- The 3 core concepts of close range fighting (Module 1)
- A simple definition of close range fighting (Module 1)
- Why maintaining effective defense is as important as maintaining effective offense (Module 1)
- How to establish yourself in one of five ranges from a fixed target for maximum effectiveness (Module 1)
- 5 ways to get close to the target quickly and with minimal risk (Module 2)
- Why making yourself small can be a huge advantage (Module 2)
- Deploy the boxing equivalent of the 'Battering Ram' (Module 2)
- The direct approach of the frontal assault (Module 2)
- 3 ways to land the ideal left hook (Module 3)
- How to master the most challenging punch in boxing - The Uppercut (Module 3)
- The fastest way to double your punches (Module 3)
- The simple system to enable you to place your punches with perfection (Module 3)
- 3, 4 and 5 punch starter combinations to bring your punches to devastating life! (Module 4)
- How to master seamlessly turning defense into attack (Module 4)
- Rolling, slipping and ducking to make yourself a genuine hard target (Module 4)
- How to defend hooks and uppercuts to the head AND the body (Module 4)
- How the Venus Fly Trap can inspire super-effective counter punching (Module 4)
- 3 ways to make your close range footwork elite-level (Module 5)
- The Mike Tyson stance switch - how to be elusive and deadly in equal measure (Module 5)
- Why the pivot is the most overlooked skill in boxing and how you can execute 'in the pocket' (Module 5)
- How to deliver bombs before, during and after the pivot (Module 5)
- How to remain a constant threat with the angled side step (Module 5)
- 4 surefire ways to penetrate the tightest of defences (Module 6)
- Why you should learn to throw low power and low speed punches (Module 6)
- How to switch your attacks and unlock super-effective fighting (Module 6)
- Why your boxing drills should push your mind as well as your body (Module 6)
- Learn 4 ways to become a human crowbar when prising open defences (Module 6)
- Why repeating the same patterns can make you predictable and vulnerable (Module 7)
- Learn 3 ways to 'leave the scene of the crime' cleanly (Module 7)
- 'Leave with grace' with the roll (Module 7)
- How to be a grandmaster at close range tactics (Module 8)
- Why being on the ropes is a really bad idea, even with 'Rope a dope' (Module 8)
- How to make your opponent's greater strength work in your favour (Module 8)
- How to deflect a monster! (Module 8)
- 4 rough house tactics that open the door on fighting dirty (Module 8)
- How to conserve your energy to maximize your fight effectiveness (Module 8)
- 12 fight combinations that separate the best from the rest (Module 9)
- 4 ways to do destructive damage on the way to the target (Module 9)
- Close range combinations that ooze power and precision (Module 9)
- How to leave the scene of the crime and put out big firepower on the retreat (Module 9)

Close Range Fight Control
5 hours of advanced video coaching and 5 audio training companions across 10 modules covering elite close range fighting skills and techniques.
What People Are Saying:

Tom, Maine, USA
"I love the program and I am very happy with the money I have spent to date on your product. I am 55 years old and started using the program to get back in shape. I had always wanted to learn how to box and I after I watched your videos I was convinced your method was the most direct no nonsense approach I had come across. I purchased the program and got to work. You are great at taking complex skills I was able to make quick progress."

Steve, Justo's Gym, AZ
"As a boxing Coach of over 20 years I have found your system to be very very helpful. I love the way you teach and it has helped me to become a better teacher. Thanks you for what you are doing. Definite value for the money!"

Yuke Ward, Spain
"Even if your starting out in your late forties like me and only box for staying fit and for the fun of it (including occasional very light and very friendly sparring), I highly recommend the course since it makes you obtain tangible improvement and feel less like you're only playing without any seriousness."

Dan C, Arizona
"Fran Sands is such a great coach! The sport of boxing needs more Frans out there in the world! My Boxing Coach has been put together so well...Fran has poured his heart and soul into everything he has on his website and in his programs. He covers everything...and I mean everything...not just what and how to do things, but just as important - WHY you do them! You just can't find the level of detail anywhere else!
Whether your goal is to get in shape or compete, his way of doing things works!!"

Declan Hill, Connecticut, USA
"Fran Sands is the thinking man's boxing coach. I don't mean he walks around pontificating in Latin or reads poetry while thumping you. :) I mean he makes boxing simple, effective and easy. There are lots of boxing coaches out there who pretend to be macho or get you to practice bad technique while screaming at you. Fran Sands is much better than that... His work outs are incredibly tough. His technique is spot-on. Watch in particular his 'mid-range' strikes. Superb. His approach to the mental game of boxing is also top notch. For example, his teaching on courage or mental preparation for fights should be required reading for all male teenagers."

Lee, Hertfordshire, UK
"I have been a member of Boxing Training Foundation and Close Range Fight Control for about 3 years now.
As a man in my mid 40s who uses boxing skills for fitness and for self defence I have found both packages to be a wealth of information.
Boxing is such a huge subject with so much to learn, Fran’s method of describing things is clear and concise."

Alexander, Russia
"I did a lot of sports all my life and boxing among them.
When I saw Fran's videos on the youtube I was impressed by his technique and understanding of the "sweet science". So I subscribed to his channel and soon bought two parts of his training course for my younger son who does boxing with a private coach two times a week in addition to other activities. The same as I.
I liked these videos very much. Frank is a great coach and no doubt about it. After following his instructions for some time we both improved our skills and techniques very much. Our coach who is a former champion of Russia is very proud of our progress because he takes it to his credit.
By the way the price of both parts of the course is equal to what we pay for three hours with our instructor. And in my opinion it's worth every penny of it."

Mickey G, New York, NY
"For those not involved with a live in-person boxing class or coach your boxing program is the most clear, concise, comprehensive boxing program available on the internet. Boxing skills are explained and demonstrated perfectly in both video and written form and you provide the opportunity for feedback and questions to be asked and you do answer them.
This program has helped me become a better coach. I recommend it to all my students as well as anyone i meet that wants to use online tools for boxing and fitness. It is by far the best value available on the internet and gives you as close to 'private' lessons as you will come."